Monday, May 31, 2010

Perceived value - how to charge more

Perceived value determines whether you are worth your asking price. Everything you do will either increase or decrease your value. The more value you have, the more you can charge.

Be aware of the places people see you perform at because it can hurt of help you.

Learn how to answer questions like:
"Where do you perform at"
"How much do you charge"

Use techniques during a performance like a short intro that increases your value.

And get lots of testimonials.

Benji Bruce
The Charming Mentalist
Denver Colorado Entertainer

Monday, May 24, 2010

Phone Script

When people call you, you should have a phone script that you go by to increase your perceived value and give you better chances of being hired for the gig. Watch the video and take ideas to use in your phone script.

-use your schedule (real or fake) to create scarcity and the perception of being in demand

-future pacing: get them to see you performing at their event (assume you've already been hired)

-create a yes ladder

-do not place any dates on hold...get your contract signed and returned ASAP

Benji Bruce

The Charming Mentalist

Denver Colorado

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Spin-off gigs are when someone hires you and other people at that event want to hire you for their party/function/etc. Another way of putting it is "word of mouth" but most entertainers leave this to chance...I don't.

Whenever you're in front of people performing, you should always think of ways to get them to want to hire you and recommend you to others.

Monday, May 10, 2010

How to book restaurant gigs & keep them

Restaurant Gigs:
-Choose the right restaurant
-Talk to the GM, Owner, or Head Chef
-Keep the restaurant through feedback

Denver Colorado Mentalist Benji Bruce